Sunday 17 December 2017

SRE Lec # 12 - Bespoke RE Vs. MDRE

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This paper aims to present a comparative study on
Bespoke Requirements Engineering (RE) and Market-
Driven Requirements Engineering (MDRE). Differences
between both the approaches are discussed that leads to
importance of MDRE and the challenges it faces.
Moreover, conclusions are drawn based on the
comparative discussion.

In this paper, two basic approaches of requirements
engineering are discussed i.e. Bespoke RE and MDRE.
Section 2 described the differences between both the
approaches that are continued in Section 3 in the form of
challenges faced by MDRE with respect to Bespoke RE.
There are certain attributes similar in both the RE
approaches but they are different at many places due to
nature and environment of projects. Both the RE
processes face challenges but some challenges are
particularly related to market-based projects because of
the unique environmental factors associated with it. In a
nutshell, this report has presented a comparative study on
Bespoke RE and MDRE and described the challenges
associated with MDRE with respect to Bespoke RE.

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