Sunday 17 December 2017

SRE Lec # 11 - MDRE and Bespoke RE

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Differences  Between Bespoke RE & MDRE( Market Driven Requirement Engineering)

1. Start or Initiation of the project
2. Objective
3. Success Criteria
4. Elicitation.
5. Analysis and negotiation
6. Validation
7. Financial Risk
8. Relationship
9. Constraint Based Delivery.
 Start Of the Project
In market Driven model the project is
initiated, and it’s a continuous process because the focus of
MDRE is on large pool of customers, According to their
needs the requirements also change (each customer may
have different needs),in order to fulfill the requirements of
the customers the products are released in different version
according to the changes in the requirements.

Delivering right product at the right time
 is the key to be successful.
This is done by envisioning and fostering the new set of requirements on the existing software products to capture market before the competitor companies
In MDRE the key objective is time to market besides this the other objectives are :
 to achieve the large number of Customers Satisfaction
Concentrate on the correct market for the product ,where
,when and how to release the product in to the market with
right time and in right place.
 These objectives that are defined depends on the success Criteria of the product. I.e., if the product is success full in the market it implies that
the objective of the company is achieved..

            Success Criteria

Success rate depends on the acceptance of the product   by the customers.
In MDRE the Success depends onthe
      product value
product  reviews,
     market share ,
                     time to release(correct time ),
the satisfaction of large number of  customers


in MDRE the source of requirements will be huge and
it will be difficult to satisfy each and every requirement of the customer .
 In order to achieve this goal the requirements are identified by the team in the first release of the particular product

in MDRE though analysis of the product is done ,negotiation with the
customer is not possible alternatively to satisfy the customer new versions of the product is released into the market.
Nature of requirements

The requirements are innovative and new ideas are implemented.
 It is important that market needs should be considered important in defining requirements along with the new ideas implementation.

Validation of the product is done to prove that a particular product meets the essential requirements of a customer for a particular purpose.
In MDRE the product is validated after the release i.e., the validation is done by the customers on the beta version of the product,
If there are any flaws in the product those flaws are corrected and the original version of the product is released.

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