Saturday 28 October 2017

SRE Lec # 5

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SRE –  Requirements Engineering Process
BSEF15 (V)
Abdul Razaq Ali
To introduce the notion of processes and process models for requirements engineering
To explain the critical role of people in requirements engineering processes
To explain why process improvements is important and to suggest a process improvement model for requirements engineering
Processes – RE Process
A process is an organized set of activities which transforms inputs to outputs
RE Process – Inputs and Outputs
Input / Output Description
RE process variability
RE processes vary radically from one organization to another.
Factors contributing to this variability include:
– Technical maturity
– Disciplinary involvement
– Organizational culture
– Application domain
There is therefore no ‘ideal’ requirements engineering process
Process Models
A process model is a simplified description of a process presented from a particular perspective
Types of process model include:
Coarse-grain activity models
Shows principal requirements engineering process activities and their (approximate) sequencing. This type of model doesn't tell us how to enact a process but provides an overall picture of the process.
Fine-grain activity models
These are more detailed models of a specific process. They may be used for understanding and improving existing processes.
Role-action models
These are models which show the roles of different people, involved in the process and the actions which they take.
Entity-relation models
These models show the process inputs, outputs and intermediate results and the relationships between them.
Coarse – grain RE Model:
Waterfall model of the Software process
Context of RE process
Spiral Model of the RE process
Actors in the RE process
Actors in a process are the people involved in the execution of that process
Actors are normally identified by their roles rather than individually
Requirements engineering involves actors who are primarily interested in the problem to be solved (end-users, etc) as well actors interested in the solution (system designers, etc.)
Role-action diagrams document which actors are involved in different activities
Role-Action Diagram
Role descriptions
Process Support
The need to provide some automated support for software processes
This led to the development of a large number of CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) tools which supported various process activities
Two main types of Tools:
Modeling and validation tools - support the development of system models
e.g. Viewpoint-Oriented Requirement Definition(VORD), Rationale Rose for developing UML model
Management tools - help manage a database of requirements and support the management of changes
e.g. DOORS, RML, RDD-100 and Requisite Pro
Process Improvement
Process improvement is concerned with modifying processes in order to meet some improvement objectives
Improvement objectives:
Quality improvement
Schedule reduction
Resource reduction
Planning Process Improvement – Questions:
What are the problems with current processes?
What are the improvement goals?
How can process improvement be introduced to achieve these goals?
How should process improvements be controlled and managed?
Process Maturity
Process Improvement is related with Process Maturity.
Organization maturity is measured by the extent they follow better, mature and improved processes
The SEI’s Capability Maturity Model is a framework for assessing software process maturity in development organizations
Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
Maturity levels
Initial level
Organizations have an undisciplined process and it is left to individuals how to manage the process and which development techniques to use.
Repeatable level
Organizations have basic cost and schedule management procedures in place. They are likely to be able to make consistent budget and schedule predictions for projects in the same application area.
Defined level
The software process for both management and engineering activities is documented, standardized and integrated into a standard software process for the organization.
Managed level
Detailed measurements of both process and product quality are collected and used to control the process.
Optimizing level
The organization has a continuous process improvement strategy, based on objective measurements, in place.
RE Process Maturity Model
RE Process Maturity Levels
Initial level
No defined RE process. Suffer from requirements problems such as requirements volatility, unsatisfied stakeholders and high rework costs. Dependent on individual skills and experience.
Repeatable level
Defined standards for requirements documents and policies and procedures for requirements management.
Defined level
Defined RE process based on good practices and techniques. Active process improvement process in place.
Good Practices of RE process Improvement
RE processes can be improved by the systematic introduction of good requirements engineering practice
Define a standard document structure
Uniquely identify each requirement
Define policies for requirements management
Use checklists for requirements analysis
Use scenarios to elicit requirements
Specify requirements quantitatively
Use prototyping to animate requirements
Reuse requirements
Questions ?

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