Friday 21 April 2017

DSA Lab 3 - Queue & Post-fix In-fix expressions

Task 1:

Write the complete implementation of double ended queue (as discussed in class) containing the following functions:

  • enqueueAtTail()
  • dequeueAtTail()
  • enqueueAtHead()
  • dequeueAtHead()
  • isEmpty()
  • isFull()
  • resizeQueue()    //This function will double the size of the queue when it is 75% full and half the size of it when it is 25% full.
Note: you have to implement queue with integer array (not with pointers).

Task 2:

Use the queue you have implemented in Task 1 and write a code to convert an in-fix expression into post-fix expression. You have to implement the following 2 functions:
  • convertInfixToPostfix()
  • evaluatePostfix()     //This function will take a post-fix expression as input and output its result.

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